Monday, March 15, 2010

The Importance of Life Insurance Ratings

Life insurance ratings can be incredibly helpful to anyone who is looking to get life insurance. Especially for those who are not experienced in the area of life insurance, these life insurance ratings will be of great use because they will offer insight not only into what the available options are here but also how worthwhile each of them are.

American General

By far one company with the highest life insurance ratings is American General. They are a life insurance company that has been protecting the hopes and dreams of American families for nearly a century now. Because they have been in the business this long, it is easy to trust in and put faith in them as a life insurance company.

They presently have more than 4,000 employees and many customer service centers located all over the country. They give credit for their success to the fact that they are a loyal partner of American families and to the advisors who help to safeguard their security.

Banner Life

Another company with the highest life insurance ratings is Banner Life. They are actually a subsidiary of The Legal and General Companies of America, and they have always received rave reviews as an insurance company.


One insurance company with incredibly high life insurance ratings, one that most people have heard of before, is ING. They are different than the regular banks because they have no branches for one. This means that all ING customers do everything with them by Internet, phone or ABM.

It is important for anyone considering life insurance to take these ratings into serious consideration, so that all of the best options can be taken into perspective and considered. This way the most informed and intelligent decision can be made here. The process of choosing a life insurance company is quite obviously a very important one and so it is important that anyone in this situation take their time and choose the best company for them.


There are a few things that anyone debating over life insurance companies is going to want to think about. One of the key points to keep in mind when selecting a life insurance company involves identity. This is important because life insurance company names can be confusing, especially since there are so many of them, and so you want to be sure that you know the full name, home office location, and affiliation if any of the company that you are considering.

Friday, March 12, 2010

How To Find The Best Life Insurance Rates

If you are looking for affordable life insurance policies, you should learn to hunt for the best life insurance rates. Finding the best life insurance rates is not really so difficult especially today where most the big insurance companies already offer their services online. To help you find the best life insurance rates, here are a few tips for you.

Know What You Want And What You Need

Before anything else, you need to make sure what you really want and what you need. Always remember that different people have different insurance needs. Going for those policies that give you the best life insurance rates is a good thing but you should be very careful about your choices if you do not want to end up with a policy that does not answer your needs. For instance, if you are not married and you do not have kids or anybody who depends on you for support, you do not really need a comprehensive life insurance policy. What's the point of leaving something behind when you do not really have anybody who will benefit from it? On the other hand, if you have a wife and kids and you want them to live comfortably even after you are gone, you might want to go for some comprehensive life insurance package that will address the needs of your family. At this point, it would be a good idea for you to start hunting for a policy that gives you the best life insurance rates.

Shop Around First

If you want to get the best coverage, you need to spend some time doing your homework. Always remember that getting a life insurance policy is a big decision so you should not just rush into things. The different types of life insurance can be quite confusing so need to be familiar with the basic features of each type of life insurance. Before you decide which type of life insurance you will have, compare the benefits of each type of insurance first. Do not just go for the insurance package that offers you the lowest life insurance rates. For all you know, the life insurance package that offers the lowest life insurance rates may not even be suitable for you. Paying lower premium for a coverage that does not really answer your needs will not cut it. In other words, paying less for something that you cannot really use is not a good idea.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Getting A Lot Of Life Insurance Quotes

Just like when shopping for a car, for car insurance, or for a mortgage, you do not want to just jump in and select any old life insurance company and pay whatever they say as you may find yourself getting ripped off. In order to make the best financial move for you and your family, you need to shop around for life insurance quotes and see what other companies really have to offer you. Do not think that all companies are the same and they will be pretty close in price.

After doing a little research, you will soon see that it pays to take time out for getting life insurance quotes as the price range can be pretty extreme. They are not all the same by any means and when you get you’re your life insurance quotes you will see that the amount that the rates can vary by can be anywhere from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars over the period of a year. And when you think about how many years you will be paying on a policy, which can end up being a lot of money that you could have invested somewhere else.

Where To Get Quotes

There is always the good old-fashioned way of looking up life insurance company information in the phone book and writing them all down on a list in order to get some life insurance quotes. Then, when the house is quiet you can start calling them one by one and go through the long process of talking with a rep that will punch in all of the numbers manually. Of course then you will have to hear a long explanation of things that you probably already know about and then you end up being pressured on the phone to commit to a policy right then and there.

And then there is the easier way of making use of the Internet. On the Internet you can quickly find life insurance quotes by going to the company website and typing in your information. Within minutes, and sometimes within seconds, you are given fee life insurance quotes and a number to call if you are interested in getting more information or for signing up. There are even sites that allow you to type in your personal information and within minutes you will be emailed a list of several different companies and the rates they are offering you. This is also a great way to get life insurance quotes.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Considerations in Buying a Life Insurance Policy

Many insurance companies offer life insurance policies, each one trying to make its offers sound more lucrative than those of its competitors. Before buying a life insurance policy, the client needs to find out the best rates available at various insurance companies and the best coverage or benefits offered by them. But equally important are some other considerations like the knowledge of a company’s reliability and selecting a trustworthy insurance agent or an insurance salesperson.

Reliability of a Life Insurance Company

Before buying a life insurance policy, one must view the history of the insurance company that is offering the policy. Insurance companies with several decades of stable financial strength are usually reliable while those having many ups and downs should be kept at the end of one’s choice list. Most life insurance companies guarantee some kind of state-guaranteed fund sponsored by industries (except in a few states like Colorado, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Washington DC). Still, it is not a very welcome possibility to risk one’s money and wait for its return in case the insurance company collapses. Hence one should always choose to buy a life insurance policy from a renowned company with a long and stable history and good ratings.

Buying a Policy from an Insurance Salesperson

A selected life insurance policy may be bought from the insurance company directly or through an insurance salesperson. The cost of the policy does not change in the second case but the client gets some useful information quickly from the salesperson. However, it is important not to blindly trust any insurance salesperson but try to judge his/her integrity and straightforwardness. Asking questions and demanding information about alternatives really count in selecting the right kind of life insurance policy. In addition, the client should critically examine a salesperson’s own suggestions, e.g. emphasis on buying a high premium policy or stress on not opting for term insurance etc. Many salespeople are paid higher commissions for selling ‘whole life’ or ‘universal life’ policies and therefore the client should choose his/her own preference rather than the salesperson’s recommendations.

Finding the Right Insurance Agent

To find the right insurance agent for buying a life insurance policy, the prospective client should seek references from family, friends, and/or acquaintances. Searching online for licensed insurance agents is also helpful, though the client should always call the state licensing agency to verify the authenticity of the insurance agent’s license. A critical approach to finding the best insurance agent is to find from the local consumer affairs agency the number of complaints made against the salesperson in question. In general, the client should buy a life insurance policy from an agent who cares about the needs and preferences of the client instead of being bent on selling a particular policy for personal gains.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Life Insurance Leads for Agents and Brokers

Life Insurance Leads are found on the internet in companies which have a wide data base and a large network. Today nobody relies on consumer input about values or lender options. You can get up-to-date data straight from a vast database to supply many kinds of leads. There is no charge for the service from the database from where you can know more about a wide range of Life Insurance Leads.

Services Offered

The Life Insurance Leads often include homeowner data appends, and all the information is free of cost. It is possible for life insurance agents today to buy one insurance lead with enough data, which can offer two services. These services could be mortgage protection insurance and traditional life insurance.

Companies with a big database generate a large number of Life Insurance Leads organically, without any problems. The leads generally come from consumers searching for solutions and those who are ready to do business. The leads taken from one company can be enhanced by taking data from another company, so that the leads are more accurate and reliable. With quality Life Insurance Leads the agents are in a position to produce accurate quotes before they call, and this is advantageous for them in the industry.

Many companies on the net offer insurance agents and brokers easy and efficient ways to obtain good Life Insurance Leads for their business. They are taught to utilize the company's website in the perfect way, so that they can master the technology for their business.


There is a definite procedure which has to be followed in order to acquire such Life Insurance Leads. When a consumer shows an interest in a Life Insurance product, he has to fill out an in-depth online questionnaire. Here he is asked information about his name, contact information, a brief health history, etc. The new prospect then receives all the information of the applicant like company logo, his professional biodata, etc. and approves the process.

The Life Insurance Leads provided by reputable companies are of the highest quality. The whole service is free of cost and there is a guarantee on any of the leads, and each one can be replaced if necessary. You can get Life Insurance Leads from the best in the business. It is advisable not to risk your money on a new and unknown company, choose the lead from a reliable website.


Agents can develop their business in several ways. Some agents may use Life Insurance Leads each month, whereas others may take them only when they have a special need. Since mass advertising is expensive, agents can expand their agency from reliable database companies. Some of the well-known ones are Direct Response Selling or The agents can sit in a comfortable room and sell as many as five insurance policies in a day, if they are provided with the right Life Insurance Leads.

What Are The Conditions When You Find Your Life Insurance Coverage Denied?

Why do you take out an insurance policy? In most cases it is to buy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your near and dear ones would be safe and financially comfortable in case of your death or any other serious mishap. In order to serve this purpose you need to know what could be the clauses that would have the claim for life insurance coverage denied.

Some Major Reasons Why You Would Get The Life Insurance Coverage Denied

Beware that different states have different policies and laws that govern the people as well as insurance providers. Make a list with only those reasons why the company would have the life insurance coverage denied and check these one by one vis-à-vis your own case.

The first and the most common reason for the life insurance coverage denied clause to come into effect is if you die before two years are completed from the death of buying the policy. This would have been mentioned in small print somewhere so you would have nothing to blame but your bad luck if something like this happens.

The next reason why you would get life insurance coverage denied is called as 'material representation'. This would include any type of inaccuracies on the declaration regarding any pre-existing disease and/ or the doctors you have visited in the 5-10 years in the past, etc.

Then they can have the life insurance coverage denied clause where it would show that you had hidden certain things that had the company known about, it would not have issued the policy. Ensure that you are doing everything right – or you might never have the opportunity to right it (after your death).

Knowing The Pros And Cons Always Helps

Ensure you understand very well what the life insurance would give your nominee or nominees and let them know about the exact amount you have insured for them. In order to be sure that there is no untoward problem with the insurance policy, you would just need to have a lawyer put into contact with your nominees, just in case the insurance company feels like going back on their words.

Lastly, ensure that you too go through the insurance policy's clauses one by one with a very fine toothed comb so you would identify any detrimental section and find a way around it. Be very careful about what can cheat your dependents of the money, in case anything happens to you.

What The Heck Are Life Insurance Coverage Attorneys?

There hasn't been a hit television show yet made on life insurance coverage attorneys, but perhaps there will be in the near future. There have been shows made on many kinds of law, usually criminal law and divorce law. There are just about as many specialists in the law field as there are specialists in the medical field. Pray to God that you never need a life insurance coverage attorney…or any other attorney, for that matter.

They Take On Goliath

When you need any kind of attorney, you are most likely in some sort of trouble. When you need life insurance coverage attorneys is when your life insurance refuses to pay up. Of course, you are most likely dead at this point, so the actual people that have to deal with the life insurance coverage attorneys will be your beneficiaries. Who knows? Maybe you are legally bound to remain in as a ghost on earth until your beneficiaries get some sort of financial compensation.

There are many who hold onto the theory that insurance companies are the real rulers of this world. These financial Illuminati can seem about as touchable and bendable as any other secret society, or perhaps the mythological giant Goliath. It wasn't until 1944 that anyone (even the government) could even take an insurance company to court; nearly 100 years since the first insurance companies opened in America.

If you or your family has problems with insurance or life insurance companies, then you need someone fighting on your side that knows all of the dirty tricks and schemes that insurance companies can pull off. Remember, all insurance companies are businesses, which means they have to make money in order to stay alive. Think of life insurance coverage attorneys as David going after Goliath.

Bad Faith

One of the ways life insurance coverage attorneys help their clients is with something called "insurance bad faith". This rather apocalyptic term is used to refer to insurance companies suddenly acting as the Devil, such as making it impossible to prove a claim, for changing the policy's terms long after they are allowed to, or stalling for an unreasonable amount of time on whether they are going to pay up.

Insurance attorneys can also work for other branches of insurance, such as auto, motorcycle, health or liability claims. When you find an insurance company declaring war on you, don’t just surrender. Get an attorney.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Why it is so Important to do a Life Insurance Comparison

It is very important that anyone looking for a life insurance company take a bit of time to do a life insurance comparison. This is a really critical step in the process overall because it allows the person the chance to learn more about the different options that are available to them in terms of life insurance companies.

By doing a life insurance comparison, a person is able to compare between these different options and choose the one that is going to suit them and their circumstance the best.

Know What is Out There

When doing a life insurance comparison the first step is to learn about the different options. There are hundreds of different life insurance companies out there to choose from, but a few in particular which are really worth considering.

One is ING, a relatively new life insurance company but one that has already gained a respected reputation nonetheless. They are much different from most other banks in that they have no branches. Rather, as a customer you do everything over the Internet and through ABMs.

Then there is also Banner Life Insurance Company, AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company, Genworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company, MTL Insurance Company, West Coast Life Insurance Company, ReliaStar Life Insurance Company, and the Ohio National Life Assurance Corporation, just to name a few.

How to Choose

Once one is aware of the selection, the next step is to actually make the decision on which company is the best determined by the life insurance comparison. Another good idea is to ask a professional advisor for help, as they are specially trained and experienced in this area and will be able to give some great input here. Just be sure to find an advisor who works with a wide range of companies rather than just one.

It is very important to know the terms when it comes to life insurance. Also, think of life insurance as being a commodity. Basically, when a person dies, a lump sum of money is going to be paid to their relatives. As a commodity, the person is able to choose life insurance cover by price alone, because almost all the companies in the market cover the same things.

It is not really considered optional to have life insurance but rather a necessity, and it is important for people to think about this earlier on in life, rather than waiting until they are in their senior years.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Many Different Life Insurance Companies

Just like with any service any more, there are several, if not hundreds of different life insurance companies that you can turn to for your life insurance needs. Every company is run a little different but each one generally carries the same two types of life insurance policies. There are basically just two different types that life insurance companies have and those are term and whole life insurance policies. The difference between the two is something that the life insurance companies should have no problems in explaining.

All life insurance companies should have a good quality staff of people who are not only knowledgeable in their products but also be very good with their customers and those who are seeking to possibly become a customer. The life insurance companies who do not know how to treat their customers are generally the ones that fall out of business and just completely fail within just a few short years. The ones who show excellent customer service and a true dedication to their work are the life insurance companies who succeed and continue to be there for the needs of their customers.

Where To Find Them

Just about every time you venture out you are surely at risk of driving past car and life insurance companies as they are just about everywhere. In fact, there are so many out there in buildings along the main streets of America that maybe there is not any more room for life insurance companies. Maybe that is the reason for online life insurance companies who do not even have an office to go to. While this can be a scary thought for some, this could be how they save money and by doing that, they can pass those savings onto their customers.

If you are not someone who is yet comfortable with online life insurance companies, there are many companies that can be found in your phone book simply by looking under insurance in the yellow pages. Also, the Internet can often times serve as an excellent directory and even have the information on the exact address and directions for the different life insurance companies. Make sure that while you are naturally going to try and save money on your policy, make sure that you are not sacrificing friendly customer service for a few bucks. Keep your eyes and mind open and you will find what you have been looking for.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Importance Of Life Insurance

It is sad to see that still even today, there are so many people who do not have life insurance. The fact that this is something that is worth more then what you pay for it makes life insurance just as important to have as car insurance. But it seems that most people view paying for life insurance as a luxury and what should really be thought about are what luxuries your family will have once they are stuck paying for all of your funeral expenses and the bills that you left behind. And remember, the average funeral costs about six thousand dollars and that can vary depending where you live.

There are so many families that are left to completely take on the financial burden that was left behind by a loved one simply because they did not take the time to get life insurance. And with some life insurance policies costing only twenty dollars a month for ten thousand dollars in coverage, there shouldn't be any reason someone does not get even a small policy such as that. Even if your finances are tight, you still manage to pay for the things that are musts such as the house and the car so it is time you start viewing life insurance in a whole new way.

Where To Get A Policy

There are many ways to go about getting a life insurance policy, as there are probably thousands of companies out there just waiting to give you a quote. A lot of times, where you get your car insurance from can also provide you with life insurance, which can be handy if you like combining bills. Also, you never know, you may even find them cheaper since you are already a customer for their car insurance but the only way to find out is to give them a call and start asking questions.

If that does not work or they do not give life insurance policies, then you can start your search on the Internet by typing in the right keywords. Some of the biggest names in the life insurance business will of course be at the top of your results page. Just start calling for quotes to see who can give you the best deal on life insurance. Also, some companies can give you a quote online within minutes so look around, explore your options, and then pick the life insurance policy that will work best for you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Guardian Life Insurance Policy

The Guardian Life Insurance Company began in New York (USA) in 1860 and has become one of the four most successful mutual life insurance companies working in USA. With assets worth over $50 billion and more than 80 agencies working throughout the country, Guardian Life Insurance Company has been ranked as ‘excellent’ and ‘superior’ by six of the most recognized rating agencies. The company offers various insurance schemes to individuals and other companies or business organizations, covering such issues as death, disability, and serious health problems. In addition, Guardian Life Insurance also offers a ‘permanent life insurance’ scheme that covers normal living needs like education, regular income for retired policy holders and so on. The life insurance policies of the company are broadly of two main kinds: Whole Life Insurance and Universal Life Insurance.

Whole Guardian Life Insurance Policy

The Whole Guardian Life Insurance Policy requires a fixed amount of premium to be paid by the policy holder throughout the life of the policy. A specific amount of the premium is saved for the client’s needs and he/she can get it anytime while paying the premium. This ‘guaranteed cash value’ can be withdrawn by the policy holder for his/her needs and it is the main benefit of the Whole Life Insurance program. A different version of this program is the Variable Whole Guardian Life Insurance Policy in which the cash value of the policy as well as the amount of death benefit varies with the specific investment options chosen by the policy holder. In several Variable Whole Life Insurance schemes, the death benefit is fixed above a minimum level. However, the cash value does not have any minimum guaranteed amount.

Universal Guardian Life Insurance Policy

Universal Guardian Life Insurance Policy is another kind of permanent life insurance in which the policy holder pays flexible premiums while opting for either a level (fixed) or an increasing (variable) amount of death benefit. Universal life insurance also includes cash value accumulations, which are primarily based on the company’s profits and on the amount of premium paid by the client. A specialized type of Universal Life Insurance is the Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy. In this case there is a flexible investment scheme that can be opted for by the insured person (the client) while he/she bears the investment risk within the policy.

Benefits of Buying a Guardian Life Insurance Policy

Like other life insurance policies, the Guardian Life Insurance Policy offers several kinds of benefits including death benefit, maximizing one’s pension benefits, greater flexibility with one’s expenditure, avoidance of capital gains tax, and opportunities of greater savings as well as profitable investment. The insured person is also able to pass an appreciable amount of money to his/her family (heirs) and/or to a charity organization of choice.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Globe Life Insurance: Protecting Your Family

Nobody is really too young to think about dying a leaving family members behind to fend for themselves. In fact, young parents who have little children at home are the ones who should think seriously about getting life insurance coverage. If you are one of those young parents who still do not have life insurance coverage, do not think twice about getting one the soonest possible time. Never let your financial status be a hindrance when it comes to providing protection to your family. With globe life insurance, you can already protect your family with just a few dollars in life insurance investment. Just imagine how soundly you will sleep at night if you know that your family is well protected in case something happens to you.

Globe life insurance is one of the few life insurance companies that offer very affordable life insurance premiums in the country today. This company offers both individual and group life insurance coverage. If you are really on a very tight budget and you cannot afford to get an insurance coverage for the whole family, check out the individual life insurance products of the company. On the other hand, if you want to insure the whole family, check out the group life insurance packaged being offered by globe life insurance.

Is Globe Life Insurance Reliable?

Most of us have heard a lot of stories about insurance companies that negate their responsibilities to their policyholders. However, what most of us failed to notice about these stories is that the companies involved in these situations were never really reliable in the first place. Most of those companies that do not pay their policyholder are small companies that do not really have stable financial status and do not have proven track records when it comes to giving good service to their clients. With globe life insurance, you need not worry about getting scammed and not paid what is due to you. This company has been around since 1951 and over the years and over the years, it has earned a good reputation as one of the most prominent and reliable life insurance companies in the country. The people who are behind this company are people oriented and they know how to deliver good service to their clients.

Aside from having a stable and solid reputation, globe life insurance is also backed Torch Corporation which is one the most reliable companies around the world. With its stable financial back-up, you can be sure that you are in good hands with globe life insurance.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Gerber Life Insurance Can Grow With Your Infant

When a new infant enters the household, the priorities of the parents tend to change as planning for the future become completely different. While many parents have life insurance to protect the financial lifestyle of the surviving family members in the event of death, many seldom consider life insurance for their newborns. There are many different options available for infants from Gerber Life Insurance that can supply comfort when they are small as well as help guarantee their security as they get older.

There are many arguments against the need for whole life policies for infants, after all the theory behind life insurance is to provide for the spouse and kids if the family earner is no longer around. However, with a policy from Gerber Life Insurance if something unspeakable happens to the child, the cost of burial can be devastating to the family's budget. If a family does not believe that whole life from Gerber Life Insurance is the right vehicle for them, they might consider a term life policy to protect them against an accidental loss.

Looking At Insurance As A Gift To The Child

Many parents view a whole life policy from Gerber Life Insurance as something they can start for their child when they are first born that will benefit the kids as they grow older. The typical policies parents look for are those that lock in a premium price for the life of the policy and one that may have financial advantages as well. With policies from Gerber Life Insurance, the rate remain the same as long as the premiums are maintained and at the age of 21, the policy amount doubles, without any change is the premium rate.

Whether starting with $5,000 or $35,000 whole life, then the child begins to make their own way in the world they can be covered with $10,000 to $70,000 of life insurance from Gerber Life Insurance, at the same premium at which the parents started the policy.

Cash Values Build Over The Years

In the minds of many people an insurance policy is a gamble with the company betting the person will not live to the policy's maturity. With a Gerber Life Insurance whole life policy, at the age of 20 the cash value is equal to 100 percent of the insured amount. The individual may find they need some extra cash for college or other family events and can borrow against the policy.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Colonial Life Insurance Policies

Founded in 1939 in South Carolina, Colonial Life Insurance Company now offers its insurance schemes in forty nine states in US. With one thousand employees and over 2.5 million policies in force, Colonial aims at sharing financial loads of American individuals, families, and businesses, reducing their financial risks, and providing voluntary benefits via group insurance schemes. Colonial Life Insurance policies vary from term insurance to whole life and universal life insurance, and voluntary group term life insurance.

Term Life Insurance Policy

Term insurance is a kind of Colonial Life Insurance policy that is ideal for someone purchasing an insurance policy for the first time and also for people who need to manage financial needs within a limited budget. The death benefits covered by term insurance policies are mostly tax-free and retain their value over time. For each term, the policy buyer pays level (fixed premiums) that may be increased optionally upon a renewal of the term. The policy also allows the buyer to claim 75% of the death benefit if he/she gets a life-threatening medical condition.

Whole Life Insurance Policy

The whole life insurance policy, offered by the Colonial Life Insurance Company, is also known as permanent life insurance policy. It covers death benefits for the whole of the insured person’s life. In addition it has the special saving scheme of ‘cash value accumulation’; part of the premium paid goes into the saving that can be accessed by the insured at any time per his/her needs. In case the policy holder retires or changes a job, he/she can carry the policy over to the new workplace or the status of retirement without reducing the benefits.

Universal Life Insurance Policy

The Colonial Life Insurance Company offers a universal life insurance policy with more flexible premium options and a cash vale accumulation scheme that increases in amount by the prevailing rates of interest. Universal life insurance policies are also portable (stay valid in case of retirement or job replacement) and can be bought for one’s family without buying it necessarily for oneself. A term insurance can also be added for one’s family within the universal life insurance policy.

Voluntary Group Term Life Insurance

The special feature of a voluntary group term life (VGTL) insurance, offered by the Colonial Life Insurance Company, is its availability at low group rates and the option to convert the policy into an individual life insurance policy. The insured person can claim an ‘accelerated death benefit’ in case of a life-threatening illness. Also remarkable about the VGTL insurance policy is the feature called ‘waiver of premium’ that allows the premium to be waived in case of a period of disability.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

All About The California Life And Health Insurance Guarantee Association

First off, this Association is only for Californians. Those who live in other states are certainly free to continue reading and wonder if their own state has a similar association. If you don’t, maybe your local Congress members could look into setting up a similar Association based on the California model. Until your state gets one, the California Life And Health Insurance Guarantee Association is yet another reason to hate California.

What Is It, Then?

After that introduction, this had better be good. The California Life And Health Insurance Guarantee Association protects all Californians' insurance policies even if the insurance company the use goes bankrupt. In this age of a slowing economy and an inevitable recession, it's good to know that your life and you health insurance are two less things to worry about.

The California Life And Health Insurance Guarantee Association started in 1991 under Governor Pete Wilson, when a bill of the same name as the Association passed California law. The people in this Association check all of the policies of the defunct insurance company and make sure every policy holder gets what they paid for. This also covers any Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs).

How Does It Work?

When an insurance company is dissolved (called "insolvent"), all policy holders will be notified by California's Department of Insurance via mail. Only a court can declare an insurance company dissolved. The California Life And Health Insurance Guarantee Association will work to protect you as quickly as they can. The length of time they take will vary from case to case.

In case you are wondering where the money comes from, it is from all insurance companies that are allowed to do business in California. Those insurance companies provide the full funding for the California Life And Health Insurance Guarantee Association, not your tax dollars.

The Association does not have the power to rewrite any existing laws or policies. They can't give out legal advice, either. They try to determine what your policy covers (and what it doesn't) and get you what they can. You are guaranteed coverage of up to (but not exceeding) $100,000 for your life insurance. If your original life insurance policy was for over $100,000, too bad.

The Association provides a website with free information to all Californians. Included on this website is a list of all insurance companies that have been declared insolvent since 1991. They currently list thirty-two insurance companies.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

American General Life Insurance Company: Not Just For Soldiers

Often known as AIG for short, American General Life And Accident Insurance Company was not named because they only offer insurance to American generals. In this case, the word "general" refers to the word's alternate meaning of "common to or current to the majority" (Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary, 1980). Over four million Americans use American General Life And Accident Insurance Company for their insurance needs, whether for business or private use.

How Stable Is AIG?

Although any life insurance company offers great rates and incentives, not every insurance company is going to be around in the next few years. Before you decide on any insurance company, take a look at its financial ratings. There are several independent financial ratings watchdog companies that act as a Consumer Reports of the financial world.

The top ratings companies are Standard & Poors, FitchRatings and Moody's Investors Service, which release their ratings to the general public. They grade a lot like the American school system, with A being outstanding and F as "failed". American General Life And Accident Insurance Company has been consistently A++ or even higher for the last few decades. This means, among other things, is that the company is financially stable.

A Brief History Lesson

American General Life And Accident Insurance Company has been in business for over 100 years, starting on February 28, 1900 in Tennessee. Back then, its name was "The National Sick And Accident Association of Nashville." For a while, it was known as the NLT Corporation. It merged with Houston, Texas-based American General Corporation in 1982. Since then it not only changed its name several times, but bought out yet another insurance company.

Although American General Life And Accident Insurance Company does offer employers services for their workers, the company is more focused on the insurance needs of the individual (often called "middle market" in insurance lingo). Choices offered include term insurance, universal coverage and their trademarked "Quality of Life Insurance".

The latter is a new idea in life insurance – giving money when you and your family need it BEFORE you die. This insurance helps pay the bills in case you contract a critical illness or even a terminal illness. It helps if you suddenly become disabled and even with retirement, as well as life insurance to help your family out in case you die. AIG is available in most states, so check and see if it is available where you live.

Monday, February 15, 2010

How Can You Get An Affordable Life Insurance?

Who does not want value for money? Whenever you buy something, you would look around to get the most for the least as this would give you the satisfaction that you spent your money wisely. This is very much true with life insurance policies as well.

How Do You Find That Affordable Life Insurance You Are Looking For?

Among all the insurance policies offered, the best and affordable life insurance would be the term life insurance. This is because in the majority of cases when you buy an insurance policy you would buy two things – (i) the actual insurance that would build up into a neat sum for your nominee and (ii) the cash value which would be invested for some great returns when the policy matures.

The term insurance comes in different denominations – it would be in 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years which is the maximum coverage time. You would need to take such financial policies apart with a fine comb and ensure that they offer you everything that re-assures you for the future. For example, a person who has many children would do better with a 30 years policy while if not, it is okay with 10 years duration.

There is a highly affordable life insurance provider everywhere and in order to find one for yourself, you would need to ask quotes from as many providers as possible. The best quote would be the one that not only requires a very low cost premium, but also offer the best terms and conditions for your life policy.

For the best possible terms, always look for policies which carry a guaranteed renewable tag. This means that at the end of the term, if and when you might be a higher risk to insure, you could still renew your policy without any problems and find coverage as the best possible cost.

When We Speak Of An Affordable Life Insurance How Much Should Be The Insurance Amount?

Most people do not have the slightest idea about how much should an affordable life insurance be for in terms of cash. Veterans in this field would advise that for the best benefits, you should aim for about ten times your total annual income. Generally speaking, the amount should provide a comfortable life to your nominee – after the payment of outstanding bills and the funeral expenses.

What you need to do is to leave behind no matter to worry for the person who would is nominated to receive the returns of the policy. If you can predict this happening through the present policy, you have achieved your goal.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Is Aetna Life Insurance Right For Your Life?

Chances are, Aetna life insurance is right for you in way or another. Aetna life insurance can be for individual or group coverage. There are special policies for employers wanting to offer life insurance to their hard working employees. Before you get any kind of life insurance, be sure you really need it. Remember, even though it's called life insurance, they don’t pay a penny of it until you're dead.

Who Needs It?

You need life insurance – albeit Aetna life insurance or from another company – if you own a business; if you have a family who depends on your salary for survival; or if you want to be sure your partner can still pay the mortgage after you pass on. For example, if you have a family with two small children and just bought a house with a twenty year mortgage, then life insurance can continue the mortgage payments.

A+ Stable

One of the reasons why Aetna is so popular for health and life insurance is that it is financially stable. Before you get Aetna life insurance or any insurance policy, check out the company's ratings. You know the product comparison and rating magazine Consumer Reports? Well, there are companies that act like Consumer Reports for the insurance business.

Perhaps the most prestigious insurance ratings company is Standard & Poor's. They give Aetna life insurance policies an A+ (which means just like it did on your school report card – excellent). They are also rated "stable" in being financially secure. Sometimes in the business trade journals, they will report an A+ rating as A1.

Industry Rock

In the early days of the American country, the insurance capital was in Hartford, Connecticut. Aetna started there in 1850. The name was inspired by the infamous Sicilian volcano, Mt. Edna, which was sometimes spelled with an "A". They still are based in Hartford, Connecticut. They were able to hire one full time employee in 1854 – now they have over 34,000.

Aetna life insurance was the only kind of insurance you could get by Aetna back then. In their history, Aetna has offered farm loans, health insurance, dental insurance, end-of-life care and car insurance. They began their auto insurance in 1907. They are best known today for their health insurance, which they first offered in 1899.

It is easy to get in contact with Aetna life insurance employees, branch offices and even the company's current moves. Aetna a lot give a lot of money to various charities.

AARP Life Insurance: Promoting Productive Aging

Protecting the people that you will leave behind when you die is very important. You cannot just walk away from your loved ones without knowing that they will still be able to lead a comfortable life after you are gone. Even if you are already more than 50 years, you can still get a good life insurance package from the right insurance company. The AAPR life insurance organization, formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons, can help you protect your loved ones even when you are gone.

The AARP life insurance organization understands the needs of the aging population. This nonprofit and nonpartisan organization caters to people who are already in their 50s and above. If you are already nearing your retirement age or if you are already retired, it would be a good idea for you to become a member of this organization. This organization offers many unique benefits and special products designed especially for the aging population so if you want to continue being productive even as you go into your twilight years, check out the different life insurance products that AARP has to offer. Don't worry the different products and services offered by the company are very affordable. In other words, even if you only have limited budget, you can still find something that will suit your life insurance needs at AARP life insurance organization.

How AARP Life Insurance Organization Started

The history of AARP life insurance goes a long way. Its founder, Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, then a retires high school principal, saw the need for an organization that can help take care of the needs of retired school teachers. At first, the organization's focus was the retired school teachers but as years passed, the organization opened its doors to all residents of the United States who are already in their 50s. The membership of the organization increased dramatically when it opened it doors to the general public. The influx of new members made the organization as one of the biggest of retired people in all of the United States. At present, the organization has more than 38 million members in the country. Most of these members are already past their 60s but prefer to stay active and enjoy life.

Many retired individuals prefer the services of AARP life insurance compared to other insurance companies. According to many of its members, the organization gives them a collective voice to influence policies in favor of seniors. In fact, this organization do not just offer comprehensive insurance packages to its members, it is also considered as one of the most powerful lobbying bodies in the country today.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Few Words About A Special Institution Called AAA Life Insurance Company

Everybody knows about AA as the Alcoholics Anonymous; how many know about AAA or the American Automobile Association? This company is about a century old, having been launched in the 1902 with the main goal of providing not travel insurance but peace of mind to travelers. Looking back on the road that this Company has traveled and the point it is standing at today, you could safely say that it has more than achieved its objective.

Why AAA Life Insurance Company Is An Excellent Choice For You?

Life is very unpredictable. Very often the worst happens when you least expect it. When disaster strikes, it is always great if you have a great customer oriented insurance company behind your back which can not only bail you out from financial jams, but also see that you get peace of mind in a matter of days from your mishap. This is what sums up the AAA Life Insurance Company.

This is an insurance company, true. However, it is an insurance company with a difference. This company has understood and followed the principle of win-win situation where both the client and the provider can both benefit from a partnership. Over the 100 years of its existence this principle has stood the test of time.

As a result when you become a client of the AAA Life Insurance Company, you would be amazed about their highly competitive rates and the effort they put into each file to find the customer the best possible quote for whatever purpose they wanted. Here you would be able to get the lowest cost possible for term and other life insurance policies, totally tailor made to your personal needs.

The Guarantee The AAA Life Insurance Company Offers You

There is one thing you would be assured with the AAA Life Insurance Company and that is your full satisfaction. Nothing will move forward until you are completely satisfied with what they offer in terms of product and fees. You would get the assistance of five subsidiary insurance companies that make the AAA Life Insurance Company the success it is today.

The excellent products and services they offer has put this Company as the number one choice with about 43 million Americans. It was also rated as the 4th best Insurance Company in 2006 in recognition of its best efforts in this direction. Hence, if you want an exceedingly appealing insurance in any field you choose to have, take a peek at the AAA Life Insurance Company.